We are leaders in Education
In 1994, in agreement with the National University of Lomas de Zamora - UNLZ - and the Association of Radiological Technicians of Buenos Aires - AsDITRA - dictates the Bachelor's Degree in Bio - Image Production, a career that was planned, developed and worked together with AsDITRA .
In 1998 by agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires to carry out teaching activities corresponding to the technical level, through the Provincial Directorate of Health Training.
In 2003, a collaboration, training and updating agreement was signed through the dictation of courses, tertiary careers, postgraduate degrees, specializations with the National Technological University, - UTN -. That governs until today.
In 2017, due to the time that has elapsed since our beginnings, the experience acquired, the background, the body of teachers and others, it was decided to request the General Directorate of Private Management Education - DGEGP - of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires , the authorization to function as a non-university tertiary institute. Thus, in 2018, through Provision 235/2018, it allowed for the operation and enrollment of students, as of March 2019, under the name, Santa María del Buen Ayre.
Internship Agreements

Do you want to be a FADEI teacher?
Send your resume to the following email
(011) 4371-2203
Sarmiento 1889, floor 1 "A", CABA.
Administrative Headquarters